Our goal:
Short term outlook:
a)Improvement and optimization of different gene transfer systems and approaches in to the genome of domestic animals.
b)Cloning and manipulation of thetarget genes for our purposes into appropriate vectors.
c)Increasing the efficiency of fertilization in dairy animals.
Long term outlook:
a)Animal breeding to enhance the carcass traits and dairy products.
b)Genetic modificationsand production of transgenic animals.
c)Production of resistant animals to infections including bacterial andviral agents.
Short term outlook:
a)Improvement and optimization of different genome editing techniques.
b)Production and optimization of different vehicles in order to produce recombinant proteins in animal and plant hosts.
c) Development of estimation ofcountry required recombinant proteins for future activities especially marketing of recombinant proteins.
Long term outlook:
a)Production of specific recombinantproteinsfor pharmaceutical and economic and industrial purposes
b)Establishment of center fordown stream production of recombinant proteins including purification and extraction of recombinant proteins.
Short term outlook:
a)Improvement and optimization of different gene transfer systems and approaches in to the genome of plants.
b)Cloning and manipulation of thetarget genes for our purposes into appropriate vectors.
c)Increasing the efficiency of propagation of plants .
d)Development of In vitro techniques for culture of plant cells.
Long term outlook:
a)Plant breeding to enhance the yields quality and quantity.
b)Genetic modificationsand production of transgenic plants.
c)Production of resistant Plants to infections including bacterial andviral agents and pollution and stress.
d)Production of hybrid plants for a variety purposes including adaptation to tropical and dried climates.
Short term outlook:
a)Establishment of specific courses for graduate students
b)Establishment of specific workshops for publicizing the transgenes techniques.
Long term outlook:
a)Establishment ofa PhD or master course in animal/Plant transgenesis to educate talent young scientists in this field.
Short term outlook:
a)Establishment of specific seminarsand conferences to communicate and exchange of new ideas among scientists in these fields.
b)Establishment of a local transgenesis society by collaboration with other local research centers
Long term outlook:
a)Establishment of a public center to open a dialog and interaction with public societies.
b)Establishment of a biennial international conference in this field.
c) Economical and marketing estimations for theyields of transgenic animals and plants
4) Opening a road map for strategy of transgenesis in the country to fit the future strategies of the Iranian government by inviting the governmental authoritiesin strategic meetings.
5) Establishment ofa collaboration unit to utilize the experience of local and international scientists in the upcoming projects.