Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch
Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch
located in the eastern zone of Isfahan, the cultural, and civilizational
capital of Iran, was established in 1987. The university serves more than 21500 students at undergraduate (14600) and postgraduate (6900) levels (of which 3300 are international students), 386 full and part time
faculty members continues its educational and research activities in 196
Over three decades of activity, the
university has achieved remarkable accomplishments in the area of research,
education, culture, and sport activities and has a selective
admission policy and international applicants are eligible to apply for
enrollment. Also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and
services to students including library, housing, sport facilities and/or
activities, financial aids and/or scholarships, as well as administrative services.
The university was designated as the best university
among Islamic Azad Universities based on the OIC ranking in 2007. In addition
the university was selected as a best university in research and technology among
Islamic Azad university Branches, and the best Research Deputy among all of
Iranian universities in 2011. The faculty members of the University have
published thousands scientific research articles (in ISI, SCOPUS, ISC
journals). The research activities of faculty members and students have been
associated with attribution of excellency in national and international

Winning the supreme places in International
Innovation Festivals held in Germany, Croatia and Switzerland, achieving the
higher places of Kharazmi, Aliakbar, Shahid Motahari, Hedayat and Sheykhe
Bahaee Festivals and other regional and national research festivals. Selection
of the university faculty members as perspicacious professors and researchers,
and the students' attribution for excellency in successive years can be
referred to as other accomplishments of the university.
Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch hosted
ASAIHL (the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning), one
of the largest HE network organisations in the world in 2015.
The university with an area of about
100 hectares is furnished with various research centers and farms. The
university research laboratories in different fields including basic sciences,
agriculture, environment, civil engineering, electricity and biotechnology, as
well as Greenhouse Educational and Research Unit, Mechatronic Center,
Wastewater and Sewage Research Center, Education and Research Development
Centre (ERDC), Research Center of Addiction Young Researchers Club, Technology
Incubator Center, Entrepreneur and Collegiate Cooperation Unit and some other
being established units such as new research sectors have provided a suitable
atmosphere for researchers.