Research Centers
The Institute of Advanced Robotic and Intelligent Systems
Isfahan (Khorasgan) Azad University Robotic Institute initiated its official activity by making footballer robots in 2004. After four years of continuous activity in the field of medium size footballer robots, making six such robots and achieving several national and international prizes; has expanded its scope of activity into designing and making anthropomorphic robots. The first human like robot was made in 2008;
afterwards, three small size robots having dynamic control specificities were designed and made. Rescue, pathfinder, two and three dimensions assimilative robots and intelligent environmental identifier and flying systems can be referred to as some of the other scientific achievements of robotic institute. This institute stood the first place in the National Kharazmi Robotic Competition in 2008 and the second place in the subsequent year; also the first, second and third places of Iran International Robotic Competition were conquered by our institute and consequently the institute was introduced as the sole representative of Iran in anthropomorphic robots league in Austria International Robotic Championship in 2009 and Singapore's in 2010. Other achievements of this institute can be highlighted as: designing and execution of several industrial and semi-industrial projects, patenting a couple of inventions, documenting its scientific and research achievements, participating in over thirty national and international conferences and publishing of several articles in reputable scientific journals.
Currently this institute is concentrating on industrialization of its robots.
Some of the honors and attributions attained by robotic institute are as follow:
1. Standing the first and second place of Kharazmi Youth Festival in 2008 and 2009 for designing of anthropomorphic robot
2. Receiving the reward of the best invention of England in 2009 for designing a self-controlled system for industrial robots
3. Attribution of the superior article in the International Conference of CLAWA in Turkey, 2009
4. Standing the second place in China International Robocup in 2007
5. Standing the first place in Iran 3rd International Robocup in 2008
6. Standing the second place in the 2nd Kharazmi National Robotic Competition in 2009
7. Standing the third place in Iran 5th International Robocup in 2010
8. Standing the second place in Iran 2nd International Robocup in 2007
9. Standing the second place in the first Kharazmi National Robotic Competition in 2008
10. Attaining the superior places in the 7th and 8th National Festival of Ingenious Basiji Students
11. Receiving the privilege for participating at International Robocup Competitions in Germany 2006, America 2007, China 2008, Austria 2009 and Singapore 2010
12.Standing the first place in First National festival of Innovation in 2009
13.Standing the first place in Student Vocational and Career Festival of Isfahan in 2008
Entrepreneur and Collegiate Cooperation Unit
Entrepreneur and
Collegiate Cooperation unit of Isfahan (Khorasgan) Islamic Azad
University started its activity as the first branch among Islamic Azad
Universities and as the second university among all the other
universities throughout the country with the slogan of Entrepreneur
University in August 2008.
Some of the activities of Entrepreneur and Collegiate Cooperation Unit are as follow:
1. Counseling and guidance in lien with innovative and job creating ideas
2. Introducing
and relating entrepreneurs and geniuses to the Development and
Incubator Center to patent the ideas and inventions of students
3. Holding various courses in the area of entrepreneurship
4. Holding
the first specialized seminar on acquaintance with technical and
cooperative units in order to commercialize students' ideas in
cooperation with Isfahan scientific and research town and Isfahan
cooperation office
5. Holding
entrepreneurship courses in ICT for the participants requesting to use
governmental subsidies in cooperation with Isfahan scientific and
research town
6. Holding an educational seminar on entrepreneur ideas and vocational opportunities in the field of IT
7. Preparing the situations for entrepreneur ideas to be functioning
8. Holding
meetings with organizations and administrations to attract financial
facilities and supports with the purpose of employment of graduated
9. Pursuing the establishment of several science based cooperative companies
10. Participating in various fairs and exhibitions of the province
11. Establishment
of the first financial cooperative institute (Soroush Mehr) for the
university employees among the universities of the country, under direct
supervision of Central Bank of Islamic Republic of Iran
12. Registering several science based cooperative companies can be designated as other activities of this unit.
Intra Cultural Studies Unit
Intra Cultural Studies Unit was established in April 2010 by the justification of cultural deputy in 4th zone in Isfahan (Khorasgan) Islamic Azad University. The aspiration of this unit is to offer scientific methods for cultural designing and planning, also, providing cultural services to university faculty members and students. Considering the majors offered in the field of humanism at postgraduate levels in the university, particularly master of cultural management and planning; this unit is very potent in offering research projects related to social and cultural issues.
This unit is prepared to offer research services to all universities, cultural organizations, municipalities and other governmental and private organizations connected to cultural studies.
Permanent Secretariat of Festivals and Exhibitions
The research deputy of Isfahan (Khorasgan) Islamic Azad University is very active and functional in holding festivals and seminars, so that over 25 conferences at national, regional, and internal levels, and several festivals and exhibitions were held in the past year. Currently, this university enjoys Ferdowsi saloon serving as a lounge and exhibition place with an area of 2450 m2, Motahari saloon with over 300 seats, research saloon with over 110 seats, several meeting rooms and educational workshops; and is ready to offer services to the seminars and festivals.
Greenhouse Educational and Research Unit
Greenhouse Educational and Research Unit of Isfahan (Khorasgan) Islamic Azad University was established in 2004. Possessing the following facilities, this unit has the potential to support research projects and holding educational courses in the field of greenhouse products as a dynamic and active research center.
1.An area of 13500 m2 greenhouse including: 7 educational and productive greenhouses and 2 research ones, compatible with environmental conditions of the country
2.Greenhouse research, education and production under the supervision of reputable province university instructors
3.Application of research, educational and laboratorial facilities
4.Production and proliferation of flowers such as orchid, rose and carnivorous plants using various methods
5.Production of strawberry, and vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, pepper and eggplant without the implementation of any kind of pesticides
6.Training the production methods of foregoing products to the agricultural students, trainees and engineers as short educational courses
7.Conducting master theses in different fields and direct connection with industrial organizations under the supervision of reputable university instructors
8.Proliferation of Malinelus (The accepted fruit in development and incubator center) void of viruses as tissue cultivation
Future Goals
1.Equipping the greenhouses to the latest software and facilities in line with mechanization
2.Production of various flowers by tissue cultivation
3.Establishment of biotechnological and tissue cultivation laboratories
This unit as the largest and most equipped greenhouse is prepared to sign educational and research contracts with executive and research organizations through the country and province.
Isfahan (Khorasgan) Islamic Azad University with more than 80 laboratorial and workroom sectors provides an excellent educational and research atmosphere for faculty members, students and other researchers in the region. Some of the sectors are solely dedicated to research activities and with regard to the newly purchased laboratorial facilities and equipment, these sectors are ready to service all the researchers.
Research laboratories of agriculture faculty are equipped with BOD meter, COD meter, Yol meter, Nano Spectrophotometer, gas chromatography (GC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and other apparatus used for water, soil, and plant analysis.
Biotechnological research laboratories are also equipped with perfect apparatuses such as: real time PCR, electrophoreses set, nano spectrophotometer and other research facilities related to human, animals and plants genetic tests, which makes it possible for the researchers to study genetic diversities, making genetic science practical in the field of gene transfer and generation of transgenic plants and animals.
Geology laboratory has advanced apparatuses such as polarizan microscopes
Laboratorial complex of civil engineering department includes concrete, building materials, soil mechanic, materials resistance, fluids mechanic and hydraulic laboratories. This complex provides the suitable software and hardware facilities to the faculty members and students for educational and research purposes. Electricity laboratories include electronic, orbit measurement, control machine, and micro processer laboratories. Electronic and circuit laboratories are equipped withdigital oscilloscope, functional digital generators and digital LRC meters and latest apparatuses such as control majols, temperature control, fluid surface control, pressure and motor rotation control,
Central Research Laboratories Institute including at least 26 segregated laboratorial research sectors, internet service and specialized library with an area of 2000 m2 is being constructed and will be inaugurated by May 2011. All the research laboratories of the university are prepared for servicing researchers and signing contracts with industrial organizations throughout the country.
Correlation Office of Industry with Society
Correlation Office of Industry with Society of Isfahan (Khorasgan) University follows it activities towards more reciprocation between industry, cultural organizations, social associations, and other governmental and private organizations in order to embed science functionally into the society.
23 research projects contracted with the following organizations; are finished or being conducted with a total amount of 10,483,254,508 Rials.
Foulad Mobarakeh Steel Co, Isfahan Zobahan Co, Isfahan Refinery Co, Isfahan Municipality, Parks and Greenery Org of Isfahan Municipality, Isfahan Environment Org, Cultural and Entertainment Org of Isfahan Municipality, Research Management Unit of Isfahan Municipality, Management and Planning Unit of Isfahan Government, Recycling Org of Isfahan Municipality, Ministry of Education Research and Technology, Jahade-Kehsavarzi Org
Contracting of 68 theses supportive research projects valued a total amount of 433,750,000 Rials with various organizations such as: Isfahan Gas Co, Isfahan Water, and sewage Co, Foulad Mobarakeh Steel Co, Isfahan Zobahan Co, Isfahan Refinery Co, Isfahan Municipality, Isfahan Environment Org, Isfahan Broadcasting Org, Islamic Republic of Iran Railways Co and Isfahan Government.
Scrutinizing and investigating industry problems, offering functional solutions and sending the final reports to the research deputy.
Identifying and evaluating of industrial units and organizations to ask for their facilities in recruiting apprentices and sending the final reports to the research deputy.
Receiving the research priorities of industrial and none industrial organizations and persuading the faculty members of various departments for provision of suitable research projects in line with these priorities
Providing the suitable conditions to sign contracts with industry and organizations and conducting their research projects by our faculty members
This office is prepared to get the industrial organizations offers for conducting research projects.
Education and Research Development Centre (ERDC)
Education and Research Development Centre of Isfahan (Khorasgan) University was established in 2007, with the aim of promoting faculty members educational and research capabilities, research in the field of educational and research planning, promoting research capabilities of universities' and R&D units' research centers members and strengthening scientific outputs. This center has held more than tens of research workshops for faculty members, postgraduate students and contracted organizations in 2009. Currently, this center is prepared to held various courses in the scope of educational and research capabilities promotion for the contracted organizations. Some of the workshops held by this center are: Writing scientific articles in Persian and English, Systematic review, SPSS, Reference manager, End Note, Methodology in qualitative researches, ISO (for educational organizations), Writing C.V, Advanced search, Digital library, Submission of scientific articles to reputable ISI and ISC journals, Teaching specific software, SAS, MATLAB software and…
This university is the first Islamic Azad University, which has started ERDC, and in this period, it has been successful to hold different research courses and various relative research services have been offered to the students and faculty members.

Counseling Center of Research Activities was established in 2009 as the first counseling center among Islamic Azad Universities by the justification of Tehran Central branch this center was initiated with the aim of improving research activities and supporting researchers for developing their scientific outputs, as well as linking the young researchers to the veteran and experienced researchers.
The services of this center can offer are as follow:
1.Translation and correction of scientific articles for submission in reputable journals
2.Scientific corrections of Persian articles for submission in reputable Persian journals
3.Personal counseling and guidance for identifying reputable ISI and ISC journals for article submission
4.Scientific research counseling in the field of research projects and theses
5.Statistical counseling for research projects and theses in the field of experimental science, medical science, humanism science and …
6.Counseling for patenting ideas, inventions, incubator and entrepreneur centers
7.Offering educational courses related to science and technology outputs
8.Holding workshops appropriate with applicants inquiries such as faculty members and students
9.Counseling for submission of articles to national and international conferences
Waste and Wastewater Research Center was established in 2008 in Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University. The primary focus is on developing and optimizing technology for the treatment of wastewater and satisfying the needs of industry and conducting physiochemical analysis related to industries. Other activities in this research center are environmental impact assessment and risk assessment referring to industries.
- Survey on the characteristics of different sources of solid wastes and wastewater.
- Survey of effects of dumping and landfill sites on soil and water sources.
- Presenting the map of solid waste management in the categories of urban, industrial, infectious and agricultural.
- Self-declaration of industries of companies.
- Giving consultancy to the related organizations.
- Conducting workshops on different topics such as wastewater management, Geographic Information System, HSE and ISO.
- Physiochemical Analysis of Industrial Effluent.
- Treatment of wastewater.
- Development of environmental assessment tools, such as LCA tools, for waste management
Some of activities of this center can be referred to as: 1. Standing the second place of organizational plans in the First Festival of Innovation in Isfahan province in 2008 2. Holding the 3rd National Congress on Recycling and Renewable Resources in Agriculture in May 2008 3. Holding the First International and 4th National Congress on Recycling and Renewable Resources in Agriculture in May 2011.
Technology Incubator Center
Technology Incubator Center of Isfahan (Khorasgan) University has initiated its activity as the first incubator center among Islamic Azad Universities since 2005. This center within the recent years by providing various resources and facilities such as central and digital library, negotiation with organizations and companies, allocation of bureau, research and educational sectors, the possibility of using specialized counselors experiences, holding various courses and workshops and also, allocation of specific budgets, has been able to admit a considerable numbers of students and graduated students in the form of technological units and companies. Technology Incubator Center of Isfahan (Khorasgan) University based on gaining the prosperities of 2025 document outlook, has concentrated all its activities on promotion of science and commercialization of research ideas, and from this point of view it has been successful in achieving a good portion of science and technology. This center has always been very helpful and beneficial for researchers with the assistance of faculty members' research and scientific knowledge.
Some of the achievements of Technology Incubator Center can be highlighted as:
1.Gaining the establishment certification of specialized medicinal plants growth center from ministry of health and medical education as the first specialized medicinal plants growth center in Islamic Azad Universities
2.Selection of the university Technology Incubator Center as the best center among Islamic Azad Universities in 2009
3. Attribution of excellency in Students Entrepreneurship Festival of Isfahan Universities to the Technology Incubator Center and the inventors under support of this center in 2008 and 2009
4.Winning three silver medals in the Innovation Festivals in Germany and Switzerland by the inventors under the support of this center in 2009 and 2010
5. Attribution of excellency in Research and Technology Festival of Isfahan to the Technology Incubator Center and the inventors under support of this center in 2008 and 2009
This center is prepared to admit industrial R&D units in line with fortification of the university and industry relationship.
Addiction Research Center
Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan branch has established “Addiction Research Center”. In this connection, measures have been taken to issue strategies, in harmony with “Addiction Combat Institution”, to help students become immuned via research and instruction against druges.
Research proposals and thesis are supported by the government and some NGO in this center. At present, the center has held several conferences and printed tree books in connection with addiction.